The de-carbonization process is evolving from one dimensional (renewable power) to amulti-dimensional ecosystem as capital markets, corporates and governments expandtheir sustainability focus to encompass a wider range of clean technologies
ln our global net zero paths report, Carbonomics: Introducing the Gs net zero carbonmodels and sector frameworks, we present our modeling of the paths to net zerocarbon, with three global models of de-carbonization by sector and technology.leveraging our Carbonomics cost curve of de-carbonization.The Carbonomics costcurve shows the reduction potential for anthropogenic GHG emissions relative to thelatest annual reported global GHG emissions. lt comprises de-carbonization
technologies that are currently available at commercial scale (commercial operation &development), presenting the findings at the current costs associated with each
technology's adoption. We include conservation technologies and process specificsequestration technologies (process specific carbon capture) across all key emission-contributing industries globally: power generation, industry and industrial waste,transport, buildings and agriculture.
In our report,Carbonomics: The dual action of Capital Markets transforms the Net Zerocost curve, we present the latest update of our Carbonomics cost curve of
de-carbonization, encompassing >100 different applications of GHG conservationtechnologies across all key emitting sectors globally. Looking at the ongoing
transformation of our Carbonomics cost curve of de-carbonization, we argue that thede-carbonization process is evolving from one dimensional (renewable power andelectrification) to a multi-dimensional ecosystem as capital markets, corporatesand governments expand their sustainability efforts and focus to encompass awider range of clean technologies (the next frontier of clean tech) that are requiredto unlock the path to global net zero.Four technologies are emerging as
transformational, having a leading role in the path to carbon neutrality: renewablepower, clean hydrogen, carbon sequestration and battery energy storage.