据埃及综合投资局宣称,埃及目前正在计划进行首次光伏生产电力的电网连接。 埃及电力及能源部长,哈桑 尤尼斯。要求能源公司目前停止一切的维护工作(直到夏季结束前,不得以电力维护为理由中断电力供应)来应对日益增进的能源输出需求,解决该国目前面临的能源短缺。 埃及综合投资局宣称:一批专家将派往这些发电厂并实时对电力设备单元进行监控,随时解决可能出现的任何问题。 从长远方向来考虑,埃及综合投资局陈述道,埃及政府计划通过加强利用可再生能源来加强国家的能源供应能力和稳定性。此外,该部门陈述道一个有尤尼斯建立光伏电力工厂设施,准备将这个140MW的太阳能电厂产生的电力悉数接入国家电网中。但是具体的接网时间是什么时候还没有透露。 埃及的理想是能够将14%的能源需求用可再生能源来填补,而该电力能源部长的预计更为理想,他希望到2025年,埃及的可再生能源占到总能源消费的28%。
Egypt is currently planning to connect its first solar energy station to the grid, according to the General Authority for Investment (GAFI).
Egypt's Minister of Electricity and Energy, Hassan Younis. Image: Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Energy. The news comes as the country’s Minister of Electricity and Energy, Hassan Younis, calls on energy companies to halt all maintenance work until the end of the summer season, in order to put all resources into increasing the power output, to solve local shortages. GAFI has said a team of experts will follow up on the performance of generating units and solve any problems that appear during their operation. In the long run, GAFI stated that the Egyptian government plans to secure the country’s power supply through stronger use of renewable energy. Consequently, it explained that a work force, established by Younis, is preparing to connect a 140 megawatt solar power station to the national electricity network. It has not been said when this is expected to be achieved, however. Egypt reportedly wants to cover 14 percent of its current energy demand with renewable energies. The Ministry of Electricity and Energy hopes to double this number by 2025