日本东芝公司计划在下一个财年在保加利亚建设一座装机容量10兆瓦的光伏电站,预计将投资40亿日元,电站建成后可满足2000户家庭的用电需求。 Toshiba Corporation said that it plans to launch solar power projects in Europe and the United States, including Bulgaria. A Toshiba spokesman said that the company will initiate the push with the construction of a 10 MW Bulgarian facility scheduled to come on stream next financial year. The plant in Yambol will take an estimated investment of about JPY 4 billion to build and will be capable of feeding power to about 2,000 households. Instead of owning the plant outright, Toshiba will sell it to local financial funds and other investors. Toshiba plans to build eight large solar power plants a year in Europe alone in 2015 and may consider local acquisitions of firms with construction knowledge. Toshiba targets to generate JPY 150 billion in overseas sales from solar power operations in the year to March 2016. Solar power has been gaining traction in Bulgaria over the recent years, with approximately 10 MW of projects humming at the moment, according to the Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association. The group expects that another 30 MW worth of solar capacity could come online by the end of the year. |
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