COLEXON Energy AG与First Solar公司延长现有合作协议期限,2011年,COLEXON Energy公司对First Solar光伏组件的分销量将增加65%。 COLEXON Energy AG has renewed its basic agreement with First Solar, a partner of many years, and is increasing distribution volume for 2011 by 65 percent. Thereby, the Hamburg solar company is taking into the account the high demand for First Solar modules and the development of internal project business. A few weeks ago, COLEXON Energy AG presented its half-year balance sheet and, with the figures, documented the further extremely positive growth of the company. With the increase in the volume for the solar modules that is now agreed, COLEXON is underscoring, on the one hand, the growth forecast for the national and international business of the corporate group. This business field is to be further developed in the second half-year, particularly with projects abroad. On the other hand, with the increase in the distribution volume, the Hamburg company responds to the increased need for high-quality First Solar modules. "For our projects, we exclusively use components of the highest quality. The adapted agreement with First Solar secures our sufficient access to the best thin layer modules on the market. In addition, we are solidifying our many years of cooperation with First Solar," stated Thorsten Preugschas, member of the management board of COLEXON Energy AG. |
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