Saft公司将为Anatolia III的SMUD太阳能光伏储存项目提供其锂离子(锂离子)电池技术,以供应该公司的可再生能源储备。SMUD公司的服务领域包括高普及率光伏社区试点方案。 SMUD进行一项为期两年的试验计划,研究能源分布与PV值在15家庭和3个SMUD分布存储系统的耦合点,因此荣获了美国能源部提供的430万美元奖金。 该项目可通过光伏系统评估能量存储能力,并决存储系统在需求高峰期运行的好坏。通过这项试验,SMUD 将获得技术和经济可行性的直观见解。 该电池系统在提高能源储存效率方面扮演着重要角色,可把太阳能发电超高峰时间时间从下午4时转移至7时,尤其是在PV产电力下降的5点后。锂离子是唯一满足该项目苛刻的环境条件范围要求,具有20年寿命的电池。 Saft will provide its lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology to supply renewable energy storage for the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's (SMUD) photovoltaic storage pilot program at Anatolia III, a high-penetration PV community within SMUD's service territory. SMUD was awarded $4.3 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to conduct a two-year pilot project to examine the value of distributed PV coupled with energy storage in 15 homes and three sites on SMUD's distribution system. The project will allow assessment of the PV system and energy storage capability and determine how well the storage systems perform during periods of peak demand, according to Saft. Through this pilot, SMUD will gain insights into the technical and economic feasibility of using distributed storage to enable higher penetrations of PV within its service territory. The role of the battery system is to provide efficient energy storage so that solar power can be time-shifted to support SMUD's super-peak from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.- particularly when PV output drops off after 5 p.m. According to Saft, Li-ion is the only technology that meets the project's need for 20-year battery life in a range of demanding environmental conditions. |
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