


2010-6-29 07:27| 发布者: apple| 查看: 640| 评论: 0|来自: 易恩孚

摘要: Q-Cells竣工完成了总计11兆瓦的太阳能电站项目的建设。该项目于今年二月份开工建设,总计投资近3000万欧元。Q-Cells is to hold a ceremony today to hand over two solar energy systems with a total capacity of ...

Q-Cells is to hold a ceremony today to hand over two solar energy systems with a total capacity of 11 MWp to the Berlin-based MCG Management Capital Group. Construction of the solar park located near Berolzheim (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) began in February 2010. The park consists of two separate areas, one covering 9 hectares with a capacity of 4.6 MWp, the second covering 11 hectares with a capacity of 6.4 MWp. Approximately 50,000 crystalline solar modules have been installed here, which can supply 3,500 households with energy, thus saving some 10,000 tonnes of CO2 every year. The solar energy systems with an investment volume of approximately EUR 30 million are now to be officially connected to the network operated by the energy provider responsible for the region, EnBW Regional.

The project, which was launched in 2008, was initially developed by a team based in the region and led by ingenia AG, Crailsheim. The project was acquired by the Berlin-based MCG Management Capital Group in October 2009 and successfully concluded as a joint venture. Q-Cells International GmbH, a subsidiary of Q-Cells SE, which has also produced crystalline solar cells for the photovoltaic modules used, was awarded the order to construct the solar park. The MCG Group has also awarded a service and maintenance contract to Q-Cells in addition to the continuous security monitoring for the photovoltaic facility.

Jörg Eßer, Managing Director of the MCG Management Capital Group: “The Ahorn solar park is the latest addition to our investment portfolio which focuses on solar energy systems. Since 2007, we have invested a total of approximately EUR 400 million in solar energy projects since we believe that these sustainable investments represent both high-yield as well as low-risk capital expenditure .”

“For Q-Cells, the Ahorn solar park plants are reference projects for medium-sized photovoltaic systems in commercial and industrial applications. In order to expand this segment, we have been extending our product portfolio since the start of 2010 as part of our strategic realignment,” comments Winfried Owtscharenko, Managing Director of Q-Cells International GmbH for the Commercial & Industrial systems.

Holger Gerwin, ingenia AG: “Despite the ongoing discussion about feed-in tariffs for solar energy, the Ahorn solar park demonstrates that it is possible to carry out profitable work from which all parties benefit even given a restrictive and fast-changing environment. For this purpose, legal and planning security as well as protection of confidence are reliable site advantages. In future, ingenia AG is to focus on the development and optimisation of project rights for obtaining renewable energy. As a general contractor, we are also interested in implementing smaller projects.”









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