M+W Group将在意大利中部建设总装机容量14.5兆瓦的光伏发电站,建成后可满足6000户家庭的日常用电需求,每年将减少二氧化碳排放量约13000吨。预计电站将于2010年底建成并投入运行。 M+W Group has won an order to plan and build a large photovoltaic power park in Central Italy. The plant to be delivered as a turn-key plant will have a maximum output of 14.5 megawatt and is to be set up in the province of Macerone. It is anticipated to be connected to the national grid by the end of 2010. The future photovoltaic power plant will have an annual output of around 18,900 megawatthours of electrical energy, and will therefore be able to provide some 6,000 households with environmentally friendly solar energy. Compared with electricity produced from coal, this will mean a saving of about 13,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year. Together with planning and construction, M+W Group's scope of supply also includes support for official approvals that are already available. The property and project rights have been secured by M+W Group for 20 years. Around 72,500 multichrystaline photovoltaic modules are being used that are assembled across a 50 hectare area. Numerous grid-connected inverters will ensure that the direct current produced by the modules is converted into grid-connected alternating current. |
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